Standards for the design of drawings in accordance with methodology

Making drawings
Drawing has strict rules and regulations. You need to know all the provisions for adjusting drawings from methodology of 2008. This is an interstate standard, divided into nine blocks.
  • Application : drawing rules for construction and industry.
  • Links to other sources : list of methodologys mentioned in the document.
  • Terminology : reference book of basic methodology terms.
  • Basic elements : principles, recommendations for constructing drawings. Here are some of them:
  1. The methodology process is based on rectangular projection, where the object is between the plane and the observer.
  2. The basis of all planes are six faces of the cube.
  3. Use strokes to reduce the number of images.
  4. When projecting a body in section, the detail of the background can be omitted if it is not important for understanding the structure.
  • Views : six kinds of planes, each corresponding to a face of a cube. There are additional rules for species. For example, when creating electronic models, it is necessary to use methodology. In construction drawings, the names of the species are not signed, sometimes they are indicated by numbers.
  • Cuts : complex, simple, vertical and oblique.
  • Sections and their special conditional graphic icon. The main types of sections are:
  1. rendered;
  2. superimposed - this type is considered preferable.
  • Removable elements .
  • Conventions and abbreviations .
Drawing rules

When checking drawings, special attention is paid to compliance with the design rules of five points: sheet format, lines, font, scale and size.

Sheet format

In order to correctly draw up a drawing, not all paper sizes are suitable recommend write my papers writers. Only A 4, only 297*210 cm.

An element whose presence is not even discussed is the frame , which sets the boundaries for the fields. Drawn with thick solid lines. 20 mm - the distance on the left, it is important for filing, 5 mm - from the outer edge to the frame on the right side.

In the lower right corner is the main inscription. Production drawings are exclusively vertical (the main inscription on them is along the short side).


The scale is the ratio of the dimensions of the figure in the drawing itself with the actual dimensions of the product. methodology 2.303-68 will help in calculating the exact scale.

What are the scales: 1:1 (natural size, rare), 1:2; 1:2.5, etc. (reduction scale for large items), 2:1; 2.5:1 etc. (enlargement scale for small items), special reduction scales (for architects) and special enlargement scales (for microscopic parts).


When drawing up drawings, lines of 6 types are used says writers, different in thickness. They are regulated by methodology 2.303-68, and they are called like this:

  • solid thick main - for frames, contours, title block and graph;
  • dashed line displays invisible contours, its dashes must be of the same size, and the distance between them is of the same length;
  • a dotted thin stroke is used to show the axis of rotation, the center of arcs of circles;
  • solid thin - dimension and extension lines, their thickness - from s / 3-s / 2;
  • dashed dash and 2 thin dots - to display fold lines;
  • solid wavy - a break with an excessively large image that does not fit on one sheet.

Necessary in order to accurately determine the dimensions of products says service writers. There are two types of dimensions: angular (indicates the value of the angle, the unit of measurement is minutes, seconds and degrees) and linear (they describe the diameter, length, height, thickness, width and radius of a particular part of the product, the unit of measurement is in millimeters).


When drawing up drawings, we use a special font with regulated parameters for letters and numbers (inclination angle, size) and the space between words.

Schematics for General Arrangement Drawings

The main lines of the drawing - features, types

Drawing lines according to methodology

Designations on the drawings - symbols on the drawings in accordance with methodology

How to make a drawing according to methodology